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Infobright DLP Version 5.0.4 Release Notes


We are happy to share the release notes for the Infobright DLP version 5.0.4.


The Infobright DLP 5.0.4 release brings several improvements, bug fixes, and changes to the installation process.

Key Changes

  • Changed the binary name for DLP from dataprocessor to dlp.
  • Installation packages are now denoted with a patch level in their naming convention.
  • All installations now require a valid license file named infobright.lic.

License Requirements

Beginning with this release, it is mandatory for every instance of DLP to have a valid license file present in the installation directory. For details on obtaining a license file, please contact Infobright Support.

Installation Instructions

For installing Infobright DLP on various platforms:

  • Windows: Download the appropriate ZIP installation package from the Customer Portal and run the executable.
  • Linux: Use the provided RPM or DEB packages to install DLP via the command line. Ensure root access is available.

Specific Enhancements and Fixes

This release includes all resolved issues and enhancements from previous versions.


  • Changed package naming convention to signify patch levels such as infobright-dlp-5.0.4-n.rhel_centos.

Notable Fixes

All previous issues reported have been addressed in this version.

Important Notes

  • Back up any custom configurations from the old .dataprocessorrc file, as it will be deleted during the installation. These should be migrated over to the new configuration file dlp.cnf.
  • Make sure to update any scripts that reference the old binary name.

Release Notes


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
