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Infobright IEE-Postgres 5.0.1 Release Notes


We are happy to share the release notes for the Infobright IEE-Postgres 5.0.1


The main changes in this release include license key requirements, new features, bug fixes, and enhancements to existing functionalities.

License Key Requirement

Infobright IEE-Postgres 5.0.1 requires a new license key. Previous keys will no longer work, and every instance of the Infobright server must have a valid license file named infobright.lic located in the ib-data subdirectory.

Database Upgrade Script

After an upgrade to version 5.0.1, a script must be run to update the Infobright database to accommodate newly added functions.

  • For Windows: Execute infobright_postgres_upgrade.bat <host> <port> <user>
  • For Linux: Execute -h <host> -p <port> -u <user>

New Features

The following features have been added in this release:

  • Support for date/time queries using +/- operators, such as TIMESTAMP +/- INTERVAL 'x y'.
  • New functions including EXTRACT(dow FROM source), INET_ATON, and REPLACE.

Bugfixes and Enhancements

Various bug fixes and performance enhancements have been implemented, including:

  • Resolved issues where INSERT from SELECT DISTINCT produced incorrect results.
  • Improved memory usage to prevent engine crashes in certain circumstances.
  • Logging enhancements: logs are now written to a dedicated infobright.log file.

Installation Instructions

To install or upgrade to 5.0.1, follow general instructions provided in the IEE-Postgres 5.0.1 User Guide. Ensure all pre-requisites are met, including obtaining a new license and backing up current data directories.

Release Notes

Infobright IEE-Postgres 5.0.1 Release Notes

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
